How Important Is The Background In A Slot Game?

How much attention do you pay to the background when playing a slot? Sometimes, the reels are the main attraction and the background almost seems to disappear behind them. It might be all but forgotten in some instances. In other Games, you cannot miss the background. In fact, the reels sometimes form part of it. For example, an Aztec slot might show you a setting with a stone temple, and the reels are set between the pillars of that temple.

Let’s look at some of the elements that fit with the background of a slot, so you can see how it works.

It adds depth to the game – and to its theme

We’ve seen with the Aztec example that a background is often a crucial part of the game itself. This can work with lots of other themes too. We’ve seen sporting games where the slot is set on the pitch, in the arena, or wherever else the relevant sport takes place. We have also seen games set in the jungle or forest, or in the plains of Africa. You can see there is no limit to how the background could be used to enhance the theme.

Is no background a good thing?

There is always a background of some sort, of course… but sometimes it could be as little as a black backdrop, or a blue one, or, well you get the idea. Some games get away with not worrying about a background, but there must be lots of action on the reels to make you forget about this. Otherwise, it tends to come as a disappointment to see no background in play.

The background can sometimes change

This is a feature we have always liked. The most common way to see a change in the background is when you get a different one to play some free spins on. For example, you might play a game set on Safari Slots in Africa. The base game takes place during the day, but if you win through to the free spins, you can expect to play those during the night. There are other possibilities too though, such as a different setting that is still relevant to the theme.

The background might not be the most important part of a slot game, but it does have a major role to play. We miss it when it’s not there!